Engaging Keynote Presentations
Customized to your unique needs
Stepping into Executive Presence
What is Executive Presence? Create an Immediate and Effective Impact
These days, “Leadership Potential” alone isn’t enough to take you to the next level; you must understand how to outwardly demonstrate your skills and abilities in a way that clearly communicates your fitness for a leadership position. Looking and acting the part of a strong leader is key to becoming a strong leader.In this presentation,recognize:
- How to make a First Impression that positions you as Credible, Likeable, Attractive and Powerful...
- How to interpret and develop Body Language,and the Four Body Postures that can change the way you are perceived at work...
- Interpersonal Communication and Virtual Communication to demonstrate authority and presence effectively...
- What Gravitas is, why Gravitas is important and how appropriate and consistent behavior is equally fundamental across the spectrum of daily office life...

The Art of Networking
Cultivate Valuable Relationships and Winning Strategies
Ginny’s keynote is not about ‘Working a Room’, it is about moving from the anxious guest behavior to becoming the ‘Welcoming Host’ at every event you attend.Networking is an essential aspect of doing business, and yet many professionals feel apprehensive when they walk into a networking event. This session gives participants the skills to become better net-workers and enjoy it! Being able to strategically navigate these events and create lasting relationships is truly key to success in your life and business.
In this game-changing keynote presentation, you will discover:
- How to prepare for a networking event...
- What it means to “make an entrance” and how to do it...
- The key aspects to making a great First Impression
- Food and drink savvy...
- How to gracefully mingle, make your exit and follow up...
- The number one most important thing you must do if you truly want to create a working relationship.

Creating Your Personal Brand
Craft and Maintain Your Professional Reputation
We all have a Personal Brand; essentially, it is your Professional Reputation and it will have a tremendous impact on your career trajectory – for better or for worse!Each and every one of us projects our Personal Brand into the world on a daily basis through our dress, our actions and the way we communicate with others. In a world where many highly skilled people are competing for the same jobs, the same promotions and the same clients, it is vital for modern professionals to understand that the way they present themselves really matters. Often, the only difference between whether you get the job or someone else gets the job is your Personal Brand. Or, put more simply, “Do you exude the part?”
In this enlightening presentation, you will identify...
- Why it’s important to become aware of how others perceive you...
- How to effectively enhance your Reputation
- How to craft Credibility, Likeability, Attractiveness and Power in your professional interactions...
- How to identify, Personalize and Unleash your Unique Selling Proposition...

The Power of Image
Selling Without Saying a Word
Prospective clients and colleagues assess you from the very first interaction you have. Your appearance says a lot about who you are and where you want to be. People will calculate everything instantly to decide whether or not to engage professionally with you, including your appearance, level of eye contact, handshake and body language.Presenting yourself professionally at all times and in all facets of your life will promote confidence and trust in your services, positively affecting your reputation and increasing your revenue. The Dress/Down-Smart Casual global phenomenon – is it Casual Power or Casual Calamity? Learn the key pointers of appropriate dressing –so people will want to know more about what you have to offer on the inside.
In this keynote presentation, we cover...
- The art of making a good First Impression – and why you should care...
- How to incorporate Consistency, Authenticity and Vibrancy (essential components of a Personal Brand) into your day-to-day work life...
- Raising your visibility and authority with Image
- Project your professional image in congruence with expectations